Thursday 7 February 2013

Magazine Research 3

The word new has been added in the masthead of the magazine to let the audience know that this is the latest  
vibe magazine out in stores. The colour being used on the magazine is black, yellow and white which is used to make it stand out and more appealing to the audience. The banner on the top of the page shows the audience what other artists are going to be featured in the magazine. The masthead of the magazine is in a bold white font which is used to make it stand out. The image links to the tag line, 'Drake Hip-Hop's New religion'. The artist's name 'Drake' is in a big font so that the audience is focused on that and also helps them recognized the artist. The shows an artist formerly known as Drake which people who do keep up with the Hip-Hop trends should know straight away. The artist is wearing a black cap and a black plain t-shirt with the logo going across his shirt. The bar code pug is advertising and also promoting the magazine's website which is vibe.   

The colour being used on the magazine is sliver, grey and black which goes well with the artist who is wearing a silvery/grey clothing. Also, another reason why they chose this colour scheme is because they wanted to make the artist stand out more so that he will attract the audience.The heart of the artists stands out because it is in red which would attract and appeal to the audience. The title 'contents' have been placed in a unique and unusual way which is done to make it stand out and also show individualism. There is a lot of different types of fonts being used to make the page more unique and professional. The big letter 'V' is used in the background to promote it as the magazine's logo. 

The image of the artist in the image is used to show her dress to audience so that the audience can see how nice the dress is. Being stereotypical, I think that the image of the artist attracts mostly the male audience because of how beautiful she looks.The heading of the article is done in a quite a clever way by all the font of the title is in grey except her name which is in blue. This is done to make it stand out in the audience and also to let the audience know what the article is about. The style to the type of writing is used in the article to make it more professional and also like a newspaper article which gives in some form of creativity. The series of pictures that have been taken of the artist in the background is used to show the emotions of the artist which is shown by her body language. 

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