Thursday 24 January 2013

My Magazine Planning

Target Audience

For my magazine research task, I have been analysing rap/hip-hop magazines. The reason that I have chosen this specific genre is because that I, personally, enjoy listening to this type of music, so therefore, my music magazine will be based on this specific Genre.The target of the audience of my magazine is aimed at mostly teens at the age 16+ and possibly people in their early 20s because from what I of, most people similar to my age group or older enjoy listening to rap/hip-hop and also some people were inspired to do rap/hip-hop from many popular artists. The reason that I didn’t chose people at an old age as my target audience is because that they would much rather listen to classical music or possibly rock music. Also, they would not be fond of the appearance of the artists because the clothing that they were is revealing and the artist may have several tattoos on their body. And so therefore, this type of genre would not be suitable or appropriate to people at an old age and also children too. And so therefore, my target audience is aimed at teens at the age of 16 and older because they’re fond of the appearance of the artists and so they would dress the same clothes as them. To make my magazine seem more appealing to the audience, I must include some of the popular artists of rap/hip-hop such as Eminem, 50 cent, The Game and many more. The reason that I chose these artists is because that they're more likely to attract the audience.

Magazine Masthead Ideas

-Krank It Up
This word 'Krank' is a colloquial term for 'turn', I came up of this idea by, from personal experience, when I am listening to music, I would turn the volume up to feel the full effect of the music.

-The Rap Game
The genre of my magazine is on Rap/Hip-Hop and by using this as my magazine title, my audience would instantly know that the genre of my magazine is on Rap/Hip-Hop.

- Pure Genius
The reason that I have chosen this masthead as one of my ideas is because that the lyrics that some rappers say relates to the audience and also amazes them.

Contents Page Ideas

For my contents page, I will use an medium shot of an image on the left hand side of the page. The title content will be presented in a unique and unusual way, simiar to this contents page: 

On the right hand side of the page, there will be a list of content features with the page numbers right next to it.The types of articles that will be featured in my Rap/Hip-Hop magazine will include: 

- Interview from the young rapper AJ Page 3-4
- Chance to win tickets for concerts Page 5-6
- The top 10 best rappers in the world Page 7-8
- Interview with Eminem Page 9-10
- Kendrick Lamar's new song Page 11-12

House Style

I decided to choose the coulours red and black for my magazine article

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